Alright, my few and faithful blog followers, this is it. My last post as an expectant mother of an unknown child. We go tomorrow to find out, Lord willing and he/she cooperates, if Baby A is a boy or girl. Drumroll please... I can't believe it's already time. This is a very surreal feeling; the feeling that after tomorrow it won't be just this baby I'm carrying or this mysterious thing, but a more definite little person with a gender and, eventually, a specific name. Wow...it makes this really real, in a great way. Then, we get to focus on all the fun stuff of choosing names and colors and bedding and stuff. And when I go to Disneyworld, in 2 weeks, I'll get to buy his/her first pair of Mickey ears...love it! So people this is your last chance...weigh in now. What do you think, boy or girl? You have until tomorrow at 5 to vote. Then, we'll have the answer.
P.S. The most recent perplexing issue I've come across in pregnancy...maternity clothes. Do you buy them in your "normal" size, like they say, because they are suppose fit like that or do I not need to fall in love with the maternity shirts I have so far because I'm going to have to restock in a little while? Help!!
Girl! Can't wait!
I'm thinking boy... but I know you will be a great mom to either one! Can't give you any advice on maternity clothes. Wouldn't have a clue about where to start. But I'm glad your going through this because I'll know who to ask when my time comes.
I'm voting a LITTLE BABY BOY!!! Because Alan and my side of the family is totally boy dominated! yay!! Regardless, we already know it's gonna be a baby bulldog!
My vote is for a girl! Oh, and your clothes should last you a while.. unless you grow really really fast! I say buy it in your normal size now, and you may have a buy a few more toward the end. Sometimes maternity stuff makes you look bigger than you really are :(
I can't wait to meet this little girl!!! :). Maternity clothes, I would buy in your normal size right now like Samantha said. At first I wasn't ready for the maternity clothes so went and got a bigger size, but the maternity clothes were so much more comfortable in my normal size!!
Thanks for the votes and the advice on maternity clothes.
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